Monday, June 14, 2010

Live Smart 360 & Lock Your Spot - Launch Announcment

On May 15th, at 6 p.m. ET, LiveSmart 360 went live around the world!

For the first time ever, a brand-new company launched with 162,585 people from 93 countries already locked in during the pre-launch, before we even identified our products or presented our compensation plan!

Today, we rolled out potent, patent-pending nutritional products that have the convenience and high absorbability of a mist spray. Today, we introduced the celebrities, athletes, and world-renown doctors who have endorsed this product. Today, we are signing up the industry’s top field leaders, who are making their home with LiveSmart 360.

LiveSmart 360 is already the most talked-about business opportunity in the world. The momentum is unlike anything anyone has ever experienced before. Heck, we’re already bigger online than some of the world’s top companies – yes, we’re getting more hits than Coca-Cola!

The time to join us is right now. Find out more about why LiveSmart 360 is the last network marketing company you’ll ever want or need to join.

Have you locked your spot? Go do it now for free,